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It's time to hit the road! Whether you prefer to drive yourself, take a tour on a luxury coach, or explore unique destinations by rail - reliving travel experiences of days gone by - you will find the perfect road and rail getaways in this assortment of travel offers. Savor the beauty on a rail journey through the majestic Rocky Mountains, over sparkling rivers, under blankets of greenery in untouched forests. Travel in safety and style to popular cities, or ancient lands when you hit the road or the rail for your next vacation.

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G Adventures logo
From: $3,999.00
Number of Nights: 10
Gazing upon the towering, steeple-like peaks of Patagonia’s Cordillera del Paine for the first time, you’d swear they were lifted straight from The Lord of the Rings movie. But these massive rock formations are very real. Built for physically-active travellers, not hardcore mountaineers, this trip brings you to remote, lesser-visited sections of the Torres del Paine National Park and the truly unimaginable scenery to be found here. With top-notch mountain guides at your side, you’ll be able t...